First of all I would like to acknowledge Dr. Basaria’s positive attitude towards her clients and her work as she loves doing what she does. I enjoyed working with her because she is so dedicated to helping her clients in achieving their goals. Her positivity is contagious and contributed in achieving my goals of joining her.
Dr. Basaria is incredibly knowledgeable. Her clients have great results because she understands metabolic pathways, which helps in leading a healthier life style and prevent and treat both mental and physical illnesses. She understands people and their needs, and this is a great characteristic for somebody who inspires others to live a better life. I joined her Mindful Nutrition program to understand healthy nutrition for better gut health and body detox for my patients and myself. I also learned techniques of deep breathing, mindfulness and meditation, which helped me greatly in a chaotic and hectic life style. Her program made so much sense. I highly recommend her Mindful Nutrition program to anyone who is struggling to understand his or her nutritional needs and caught in a viscous cycle of losing and gaining weight. This will eventually help them in facing illnesses they are suffering. Program works best for people who want to make an impact in changing their life and life of others.